The Chinese symbol for “listen” holds the key to transforming your business, and leadership.

Listening takes more than just our ears.

Since I first wrote this post on LinkedIn’s platform, I am not going to repost it here. (I don’t want to get penalized by Google.) Instead, click here to read the post. As a teaser, the four components to true listening are below. Click the link, above, to see how this can impact your business, and your leadership.

  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Heart
  • Focus
We listen with our Ears

EARS: This is the most obvious aspect of listening, but it is the least important part of truly hearing.


We listen with our Eyes

EYES: Most of us can recall moments when our parents said, “look at me when I’m talking to you.” As an adolescent we responded defiantly, saying, “I am listening”, while our eyes remained elsewhere. Now that we are parents we understand this better: when they are not looking, they are not listening.


We listen with our Heart

When we “listen with our heart” our faces react differently to the words we hear. So much of our communication is non-verbal, so when someone is talking, and we are listening with our heart, it is reflected on our faces in the form of nearly imperceivable expressions.


We listen by giving our full focus

We have no shortage of details swarming our lives that are screaming for our attention. While they all need to be addressed, pressing “pause” on most of them, so we can focus intensely on one of them, is the key to doing amazing work.


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