Flashlights and lasers both emit light; the difference is focus and intensity.

Flashlights are useful, but they lack the power of lasers. In fact, there are scores of applications for lasers:

  • Scientific
  • Military
  • Medical
  • Industrial
  • Commercial

Similarly, brandstory increases the power of marketing by harnessing focus and intensity.


A laser’s beam remains narrow over long distances, while a flashlight’s beam diffuses widely; even over a short distance. In the world of lasers, the term “spatial coherence” refers to the laser’s ability to remain narrow, or focused, over a long distance.

In the same way, when brands concentrate their marketing focus by applying brand personality their brand experiences last longer and go further than inconsistent, diffused marketing efforts.


Another differentiation between flashlights and lasers is called “amplification”. Similarly, in the branding world, there is an incredible compounding effect from reinforcement, repetition, consistency, and congruence.

Brandstory amplifies brand messaging by ensuring alignment of brand look, elements, voice, theme, values, personality, and more.

Harness the power of your brandstory.